Deschutes National Forest Alternative Transportation Feasibility Study

The primary goal of the Deschutes National Forest ATFS is to promote the use of non-motorized alternative transportation options to access high-use recreational areas on the Deschutes National Forest while reducing environmental impacts at these sites.
Feasibility Study Final 05.05.15
Deschutes NF Funding Report Final 05.04.15
• Promote access to diverse recreation opportunities for all visitors (ACCESS)
• Encourage the use, enjoyment, and sustainability of natural resources while protecting DNF lands from degradation resulting from over-use and pollution (RESOURCE PROTECTION)
• Foster the use of alternative transportation systems to manage visitation to forest resources and promote active transportation and connectivity among gateway communities and the forest (ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION)
• Cooperate and coordinate with regional and community efforts to promote economically and environmentally sound multi-modal transportation systems (COLLABORATION)
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DNF ATFS one-pager final
Project Workplan
Summary of Issues
Corridor Vicinity Map
Preliminary TAC meeting- Kickoff: June 10th 2014
Location: David Evans and Associates, 320 Upper Terrace Dr. Suite 101 Bend, Oregon
Handout: Agenda
Handout: Draft Goals, Objectives, Evaluation Criteria, and Performance Measures
Handout: DNF ATFS Communications Plan
Handout: Summary of Issues
Handout: Corridor Vicinity Map
Handout: Project Workplan
Notes: FINAL TAC Meeting Minutes 6/11/14
Stakeholders Kick-Off Meeting: June 30th 2014
Location: Deschutes National Forest, 63095 Deschutes Market Road, Ponderosa/Aspen Room, Bend
Handout: DNF ATFS one-pager final
Agenda: Kickoff Stakeholder Meeting Agenda
Notes: DNF ATFS Stakeholder Final Meeting Notes 6.30.14
Powerpoint: DNF ATFS Stakeholder Kickoff Meeting Power Point
Stakeholders Interim Workshop: August 26th 2014
Location: Deschutes National Forest, 63095 Deschutes Market Road, Ponderosa/Aspen Room, Bend, Oregon
Handout: DNF ATFS one-pager final
Agenda: Interim Stakeholder Meeting Agenda
Notes: FINAL Aug26 Stakeholder Meeting 2 Notes
Interim TAC meeting: October 16th 2014
Location: David Evans and Associates, 320 Upper Terrace Dr. Suite 101 Bend, Oregon
Agenda: TAC2 DRAFTAGENDA_100914
Stakeholders Final Workshop: November 20th, 2014
Location: Deschutes National Forest, 63095 Deschutes Market Road, Ponderosa/Aspen Room, Bend
Handout: Preliminary Opportunities
Handout: Final Goals, Objectives, Performance Measures
Handout: Meetings_Milestones_Outcomes
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