Central Oregon Transportation Options

The purpose of the Central Oregon Transportation Options (COTOP) project is the development of a long range strategic plan to guide local and inter-community public transportation options in Central Oregon to the year 2030 and beyond. Following adoption by COIC as the guiding long-range strategic plan for public transportation investments in the region, a plan for adoption and implementation by local jurisdictions will follow.

Goals and Objectives

The goal is for local governments and the State to identify cost-effective solutions to accommodate year 2030 regional inter-community trip demand. Options being analyzed include the status quo case - investments in highway and interchange infrastructure – and also alternative scenarios such as investments in public transit, long term land use policies that support transit, and other viable transportation alternatives to single occupant vehicles such as carpooling and vanpooling. The intention is that this project will aid local jurisdictions to identify new tools to efficiently meet the future intercommunity travel demand over the next 20 years.


The project is locally/regionally driven and relies on existing data and travel demand projections. It includes public input through a Policy Group, a Stakeholder Committee, and general public forums. A Technical Advisory Committee has also been formed to provide information, guidance and feedback throughout the project.


Once a preferred scenario (or a range of options) is decided upon, a 20-year implementation plan will be completed, with measures for sustaining the process and updating the plan.

Meetings and Events

Technical Committee Meeting; March 8, 2013:
Handout  Notes 
Technical Committee Meeting; November 30, 2012:
Agenda  Handout  Notes
Technical Committee Meeting; May 16, 2012:  Agenda  Handout

Final Report

Final Report  Appendix