Regional Large Lot Industrial Program

Update- April 18, 2016

The City of Madras has submitted a proposal to COIC for the Daimler Heavy Truck Testing Facility to be considered a regional large lot industrial site through the Regional Large Lot Industrial Program.

Site proposal materials:
Madras RLLI Application with Exhibits

Submit written comments to:
Andrew Spreadborough, Executive Director
334 NE Hawthorne Ave.
Bend, OR 97701

April 23, 2015

The City of Redmond has submitted a proposal to COIC for the “South Redmond Tract” to be considered a regional large lot industrial site through the Regional Large Lot Industrial Program.

Site proposal materials:
City of Redmond - South Redmond Tract
State ownership map
EDCO support letter
Business Oregon support letter
Oregon Parks and Recreation letter



In 2008, Central Oregon leaders recognized the economic advantages of an inventory of large lot industrial sites in order to recruit large, traded-sector industrial firms to the region.  The Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) funded Deschutes County to do an Analysis to determine the extent of the regional large lot land need in Central Oregon.  The Analysis was performed by Johnson-Reid LLC and overseen by representatives from Central Oregon cities, counties, Economic Development for Central Oregon (EDCO), Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council (COIC), 1000 Friends of Oregon, Central Oregon Realtors Association, DLCD, Division of State Lands, and Business Oregon.

Analysis Results

The Analysis identified a short-term need (within 10 years) for a regional inventory of industrial sites:

  • Three 50-100 acre sites,
  • Two 100-200-acre sites, and
  • One 200+ acre site located in the geographic center of the region – the north side of Bend or the south side of Redmond.

The Analysis also noted that current state land use statutes make it difficult to examine land needs at the regional scale – communities assess land needs on an individual basis – but that Central Oregon is in reality an integrated regional market for industrial recruitment.   The Analysis called for a regional process to identify suitable sites while safeguarding resource lands.  COIC, as the region’s Council of Governments, is uniquely suited to coordinate this process.

Program Development

(A more in-depth overview of the project can be found here.)

The following steps were taken to implement a Central Oregon Large Lot Industrial Program:

COIC is now responsible for administering the Large Lot Industrial Program, including a site submission and review process.  COIC’s role is not to make a land use decision, but rather to a) ensure that candidate sites meet basic criteria identified in the OARs, b) ensure a regional distribution/allocation of sites; and c) review the effectiveness and need for the Large Lot Industrial Land Program over time.

LLI Forum

On August 29, 2013, COIC hosted a stakeholder Forum to discuss the outcomes of the Program to date and to get stakeholder input on the submission process.  The notes of the forum are available here.

Submission Process

COIC will receive site proposals on a quarterly basis, according to the following schedule:

Quarterly Due Date
March 31
June 30
September 30
December 31

COIC Board Review Date
First Thursday in May
First Thursday in August
First Thursday in November
First Thursday in February

The final process and submission guidelines can be found here.

Table of Documents

All linked project documents:

For further information, please contact:

Scott Aycock, Community and Economic Development Manager